Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Reflection on Cross-Cultural Communication: A Journey Through Connect Express

    Taking part in Soliya’s Connect Express program has been a life-changing opportunity that offers a distinctive forum for fostering intercultural dialogue. The debate group’s ethnic mix, which included Middle Eastern, European, and American viewpoints, provided a wealth of ideas and disproved some of my assumptions. In this reflection paper, I will examine the unique features…

  • Final Reflection Part 2: Tools for Learning

    Respectively: WordPress, Google Slides, Google Forms, Slack + Classroom, and AI

  • Final Reflection Part 1: Reflecting on the Course

  • Reflection on Final Assignment

    Finally, after finishing the final assignment, let us go back through the steps taken to complete it and conclude. Firstly, I had followed the steps thoroughly and carefully, where I had taken all the digital literacy pathways. Steps 1 a and b included a beautiful quiz-like game where I described how I would act or…

  • Twisting Paths:

    Tinkering https://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/animated-pet/ This is my attempt to animate and depict this real-time situation of my dog barking at another dog. I tried to put the video, but it did not work; therefore, I put a transitional part of the animation, and I hope you enjoy and appreciate this adorable encounter. Taught 1 https://www.allaboardhe.ie/AAlessons/security/story_html5.html?lms=1 Indulging in…

  • Digital Confidence Profile and Reflections

    The following article will be reflected on: https://literacyworldwide.org/blog/literacy-daily/2016/02/03/knowing-the-difference-between-digital-skills-and-digital-literacies-and-teaching-both As I go through and read, I remember and recollect knowledge withdrawn during the lectures that passed by. The main and most important thing is that I have better understood the difference between digital literacy and digital skills. Digital skills are the know-how of the technology and…

  • Final School Visit Interview

    Hello everyone, and welcome to the last school visit reflection. However, with a slight twist, due to some unfortunate circumstances, I was not able to attend the last school visit; therefore, I am instead reflecting on second-hand experience, which is part of the reason why I am posting this post later than usual, as a…

  • Phase 3/4: Digital Narrative Game

    Using the help of AI and cross-referencing them with experiences of everyday driving, my team and I created 15 great scenarios that would help create an interesting and game-friendly environment for kids or even adults to play in. This game features critical circumstances that are crucial in determining how you are as a driver, where…

  • School Visit

    Part 2 Hello everyone! Wow! This is my blog on school visit #2 and where I should start. The experience had been eventful (technically speaking), as I had spent close to 99.9% of the trip trying to get the projector setup; however, it was a nice opportunity to get along with a few lads, from…

  • Reflecting on (VIA) Personal Survey

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